VPMAA Member - Jensan Farm Services
About Jensan Farm Services
Feral and Pest Animal control contractors, specialist rabbit control equipment manufacturers and distributors plus Vegetation Management services. Jensan Farm Services provide broadacre boom spraying services for pasture, cropping and lucerne across a wide area of Central and Western Victoria as well as pest animal control throughout the state and into NSW.
Mesh Pig Traps available (PestSmart , Vic and NSW DPI compliant).
80 years combined experience, fully licenced and insured.

Vertebrate Pest Speciality:
- Rabbit Baiting, Warren and Habitat destruction, Ground Shooting including remote areas
- Fox Baiting and ground shooting
- Feral Pig Baiting, Trapping and Ground Shooting
- Deer culling
- Pigeon control, all aspects , trapping , bait and airgun
Areas Serviced
Central and Western Victoria and Southern New South Wales.